
Showing posts from October, 2020

Everything You Need to Know About Cold Room Insulation

  What’s a cold room? For a very long time, cold rooms have been a major part of our life. Even if we see around nature, cold weather is best suited for animals to store their food for a long time. Humans have adopted this concept and now cold rooms are being used extensively. Cold Room, in simple words, is a storage facility. The commodities that are being stored in a cold room are beverages, food products, medicines, raw materials, etc. Depending upon the exact storage requirement, there are different types of cold rooms. Along with time, we see a lot of modifications and customizations in cold rooms. One such modification was adding insulating panels. Now, what are insulated panels, and why they are used in cold rooms? What type of material are they made up of? Let us try to answer all of these questions. What are insulated panels? Basically, an insulted panel is a building material consisting of a shielding layer of inflexible core between two strata of structural board. The core c

Types of Under Deck Insulation Material and Their Importance

  Roof insulation is one of the essential methods to reduce the inflow of the heat. It is the way of reducing heat in an industrial plant, and it is also one of the critical factors to consider before constructing a building. It carries great value, and it comes with many benefits with its installation. Furthermore, there are various types of insulation materials that you can put to use for your place. So, here are the advantages, importance, and the different types of under deck roof insulation materials, put together. Importance First, under deck insulation makes sure that the consumption of energy spent in maintaining the inner atmosphere is low. Not only that, but it also prevents the heat from entering the building. If the heat penetrates the premises, it significantly increases the temperature. It is essential for a factory because the roof is responsible for 40-50% of the heat gain. Advantages of Under Deck Insulation Material Below are a few of the various advantages of under d