Types of Under Deck Insulation Material and Their Importance


Roof insulation is one of the essential methods to reduce the inflow of the heat. It is the way of reducing heat in an industrial plant, and it is also one of the critical factors to consider before constructing a building. It carries great value, and it comes with many benefits with its installation. Furthermore, there are various types of insulation materials that you can put to use for your place. So, here are the advantages, importance, and the different types of under deck roof insulation materials, put together.


First, under deck insulation makes sure that the consumption of energy spent in maintaining the inner atmosphere is low. Not only that, but it also prevents the heat from entering the building. If the heat penetrates the premises, it significantly increases the temperature. It is essential for a factory because the roof is responsible for 40-50% of the heat gain.

Advantages of Under Deck Insulation Material

Below are a few of the various advantages of under deck insulation:

  • Increases inner comfort and decreases the environmental effect
  • Resists against vapor and moisture
  • Increases cooling efficiency inside
  • Roof insulation has soundproofing benefits because it reduces the noise level
  • Increases cooling time and energy consumption
  • Protects the building from heat

Apart from these advantages, it offers better climatic conditions, and it is best for the summer season. It also has a better impact on the carbon footprint and the greenhouse effect.

Features of Under Deck Roof Insulation

  • Easy to install and maintain
  • Resistant to heat, and fire retardant
  • Lightweight and strong
  • Has a long life

Under Deck Insulation Materials

There are different types of materials. All of them have various applications, so let’s take a look at some of them.

TF Expanded Polystyrene

Most people widely use it for under deck roofs. It provides high thermal insulation. The lower the conductivity (thermal), the better the insulation, and the conductivity value decreases with density and thickness. Most people prefer using EPS because of its quality to repel water and prevent the growth of bacteria.

It doesn’t absorb water because it has a low water absorption rate. After all, the pores of EPS are very close to each other. Because of the compact porous structure, even the humid air cannot pass through, thus, preventing humidity. Other than that, it is light, easy to install, flexible, fireproof, and resistant to cold and heat.


Not only can you use it for under deck insulation, but you can also use it for over deck, and even pipe and duct insulation. The foam on it is versatile and has a broad utility field. It has various advantages apart from these. Furthermore, it resists fire so well that it has the highest fire rating standards. It has a low water absorption rate because of its structure.

Not only that, but phenotherm also reduces condensation and its composition makes it transmit significantly less water vapor. A plus point of using this material is that it is rodent and insect-proof. It also prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria, to a certain extent.

Aluminium Faced Fiberglass

It is a very effective alternative to many other materials that are high in cost. Most people prefer it because it is lightweight and has excellent strength. Furthermore, fiberglass is also resistant to corrosion, making it the perfect material for under deck roof. Because of its low weight, it becomes effortless to work with it. Additionally, fiberglass has the same amount of strength as steel, although it only has a quarter of the density if we compare it with steel. Most factories choose this material because it is resistant to aggressive chemicals.


It is one of the most suitable materials for commercial, agricultural, industrial, and residential roofs. It is also known to reflect around 95% of the radiant heat, and it is very safe to handle and install. There is no need to wear gloves or any such equipment for installation because there are no risks. Polynum provides energy efficiency to a high level without imposing any environmental hazards. Furthermore, it is waterproof. It does not retain moisture, and it prevents the growth of bacteria and fungi.

Crosslinked Polyethylene

The crosslinking turns it into a thermoset by adding a catalyst to the resin. After the process, it has a higher density, and it is the bond that makes the molecules linked to each other. It is scratch-resistant, it has better tensile strength and overall better temperature properties. Furthermore, crosslinking also increases the chemical stability, making it a perfect material for under deck insulation.Choosing the perfect material for under deck roof insulation is not an easy task.

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