How Does Heat Insulation Work and What are its Types?

 Apart from being used in buildings as a construction material, heat insulators are used in other areas as well like fridges, air conditioners, industrial machinery, etc. Generally, heat insulators are kept between two planks to enhance the insulation properties. Some materials are more efficient than others if placed between two planks or dividers as an insulator. Some of the most common and efficient insulation materials are namely Aluminum, Clay, Cotton, Hemp, Rockwool, Wood fiber, and Polyurethane foam.

Types of Heat Insulators and Their Working

There are various thermal insulators available in the market. As far as the heat transfer is concerned, they are of various types such as convection, radiation, and conduction, and each of them requires a specific insulator.

Heat Insulation – Convection

Heat transfer via convection is something relatable to vaporization. This process involves transferring heat via air, gas, or liquid. The job of heat insulators is to stop that warm air/gas/liquid from coming into contact with the surface. Sprays and foams are mostly used in this type of insulation.

Heat Insulation – Radiation

In this type of heat transfer devices such as ballasts, bulbs and other electrical objects in grow rooms radiate heat in the form of infrared rays. Radiation specific heat insulators usually reflect the heat to a certain location away from the place which is to be kept cool. The materials used in this category are generally metallic and is used while constructing residential spaces.

Heat Insulation – Conduction

This is the type of heat insulation which is mostly used to stop or block heat transfer via conduction. This particular heat transferred is caused by direct contact. This insulation is mostly found in houses and residential spaces. Here they are used in different types of electrical systems for blocking heat transfer via contact.

Read Also: How to keep heat in by Roof Insulation

Important Note:

If you want your Heat Insulator to work correctly, you need to cover the complete growing area to ensure that there are no holes or spaces through which radiated heat can escape. Many electrical devices tend to grow cannabis so it results in producing a lot of heat in the room. The solution is to cover all parts of the structure including windows, walls, doors, and ceilings.

How to perform cannabis detection?

The best way to find indoor growing operations is by following the heat signature produced by all of the devices. Infrared cameras are very popular in playing a significant in this department. These infrared cameras have the ability to read the length of the waves being left off by objects in the locality, structures, and living beings. Waves that are unseen through human eyes are detected by these devices. A man cannot see such frequencies with the naked eye.

How to Smokescreen your Grow Room?

If you want to camouflage your grow room from infrared detectors and pull out all of the stops, you will need to ensure that the radiation produced by electric devices doesn’t reach the floors and walls of your growing room. This can be done with the help of metal alloys such as lead and aluminum. It is a great choice to use a heat resistant sheet for roof

The general idea is to focus on covering the entire growing area like walls, windows, ceiling, and doors with a specific type of film suitable for this purpose. This film is named as insulation film and it is constructed or created using the materials we have mentioned earlier in this article. They also contain both internal and external layers of air bubbles which can prove to be very helpful in keeping the internal room environment protected against heat changes outside the room up to 15 degrees Celsius.

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